Brandi J. Clark

Writer and Educator

Home Makeover Health Edition

Anyone who has lived through a mass renovation or mass tumor…knows how your world can be turned upside down.

Why not start with a new paint color and then add new this and that?

Lately, or more precisely since my remission, I have been focusing on my health.

I have tried mass “body” renovations , ie. quitting unhealthy habits cold turkey.

This rarely works. Why? A framework of healthy choices need to be built in over time. Allowing your body, lifestyle and family to adjust.

Recently, this book 8 Weeks to Optimal Health by Andrew Weil,
has provided great inspiration to begin with small changes.

This week it has been daily walks and tea after lunch instead of coffee.

While this might seem lame, it is working. I have discovered that little changes have fit in nicely…

So consider, Baby Steps, next time you decide to change it up!

No Previews in the Classroom!

Time wastage in the classroom is a huge issue.

“When stuff dominates instructional time, warning flags
should go up. This is true even when the activity, in some
form, has been shown to be useful.” -Richard Allington

I went to a movie yesterday and previews got me thinking, why do we waste so much time on the “non” essentials before the main event?

What if students came into the classroom and started to learn?

What is with the announcements, broadcasts and collecting forms?

We need to take back the day. Get rid of those previews!

Until Next Time,
Lit Maven Out!

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